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Off Campus Housing

Off Campus Housing

Off Campus Housing with Us

Layman definition of off campus Housing specifies renting an apartment or house within a walking distance from your college/Educational institutional. Whether you want to stay in collage Hostel or off campus housing this will dramatically change your college life & experience.

Finding an apartment off campus can be liberating. It gives you a break from the college life but it also comes with more responsibilities and, possibly, extra cost. It's very important to take everything into consideration before renting an apartment.

Advantages of Living Off-Campus
  • You may not need (or be required to have) a roommate. However, sharing expenses with a trusted friend can cut costs and possibly get you a nicer or more conveniently-located living space.
  • You may have more space. Even a one-room efficiency apartment has more room than the average hostel room and this is a very nice perk.
  • The set-up may better support your life and work outside of school. If you have a family or an off-campus job, an off-campus apartment may make life easier.
  • You don't have to worry about your apartment building closing during the summer or other school breaks. You can also hold onto the apartment through the summer, even if you go home, as long as you pay the rent.
  • If you do need a roommate, you can pick someone other than another college student. This definitely increases your chances of finding a great roommate.
  • You don't have strict rules over your head like that of collage hostel